I'm struggling to write

I'm struggling to write
Photo by christopher lemercier / Unsplash

In this exact moment, I'm struggling to write something on my blog. I have a contract (with myself) for writing a post a week. Excluding some weeks that I was supporting my family on some health issues, I've being writing weekly. When I decided to start, the main ideia was creating a blog with technical content.  But writing technical content takes time, and I was not alocating time for writing such content.

On Saturday's mornings, I starts to feel that pressure for writing something, and similiar to what happens with mornign alarms, I keep snoozing the writing for later, until Sunday evenings (like this one).

At first I thougth changing the content would resolve the issue, so I decided to share some of the things I've been experiencing on my life. It was nice, but then, I started to feel the same pressure, I started to face the same problem. To be honest, I knew what the problem was not about writing technical stuff, or other kind of content, but it's about allocation time for writting.

Sometimes we have plans, but as Mike Tyson once told,

You have a plan until you get punched in the face

My plan was written, but I'm was not working on it. Right now I'm sitting on front on my fireplace, and there is a quote from a gift I received on Egypt - Dahab, that says.

You get what you work for, not what you wish for

I was wishing writing, but was not working for it. And, week after weeks I was receives punches on my face.

I already consumed a lot of content from books, blogs, podcasts and videos about how to get stuff done, but it's just when you have skin in the game that you really understand what they talk about. And, in the end (not the Linking Park song) what really matter is TO DO. Doing is how you move fowards. There is no move whitout doing, and its applyes for almost anything in life!

I want writing, but how? By working for writing, allocating time during my week and avoiding writing on weekends. Doing and not just planning, and avoiding the trap of lefting the writting for the last minute.

I know the path I must to follow, I need to move, I want to.